Eine wirklich hervorragende weiße Rebsorte, die einige der schönsten Weine Griechenlands hervorbringt und oft mit Viognier verglichen wird. Dies ist ein erstaunliches Beispiel für den Umschwung, den die modernen Erzeuger in Griechenland vollzogen haben, indem sie die einheimischen Rebsorten bewahrten und sich auf terroirgeprägte Weine konzentrierten.
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Eine der besten Malagouzias in Griechenland
It is no secret that Malagouzia 2022 by Kitrvs Winery is one of the best Malagouzias one can find in Greece today. Located in the village of Kitros in Pieria, at the north end of Greece, this forward thinking winery run by the Garypidis family has put a lot of hard work in creating wines with unique character. Their obsession with detail and passion for what they do, has created a fantastic version of Malagouzia with fans not only in Greece but all over the world. It offers crisp acidity, a full structured body and an amazing refreshing sense of fulfilment when you taste it. Saved from total extinction only a few years ago, Malagouzia is becoming one of the most popular Greek varieties today with impressive exports globally and blooming cultivation in different parts of the country. The colour of this perfect Malagouzia 2020 is lemon with green reflections. The nose is both fruity and floral with hints of peach, apricot, pineapple, lime or citron complemented with hints of hyacinth and jasmine. On the palate the body is medium to rich, with an oily texture and hints of peach combined with passion-fruit, mint and lemon blossoms. The aftertaste is long with a satisfying freshness that remains there for quite a while.